Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

Driffield Junior School News

The latest news stories from Driffield Junior School.


News Stories

  • Y4 Science
    4S have been looking at states of matter.
  • Breakfast Club
    Breakfast club is much more than just breakfast!
  • Y5 artists
    Some very enthusiastic artists, drawing along with Quentin Blake, during a live podcast.
  • Roald Dahl Day
    Y5 and Y3 joined in the live webcast for Roald Dahl Day.
  • A Busy Start
    Pupils have had a very busy start to the school year. Please look in the year group learning pages on the school website for photographs and information.
  • Y6 Information Evening
    As you may be aware year 6 pupils take part in the National end of Key stage 2 tests in May. To help you best support your child in preparation for these tests we are holding an information evening on Monday 18th September at 6pm.
  • Road Safety Assembly
    Damien Gunn, East Riding Road Safety Officer, visited us this morning to take assembly.
  • Whole School French Day
    Today we have immersed ourselves in everything French, from the language, history, geography, art, sport and music to name just a few activities!
  • Y5 science taster day at the senior school.
    We learnt first hand about our insides; used litmus paper to check whether liquids were acids or alkaline; and tested how much voltage there is in a piece of fruit. Amazing.
  • Big Singalong
    Thanks to everyone who came along to the Big Singalong this afternoon.
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