Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

Driffield Junior School News

The latest news stories from Driffield Junior School.


News Stories

  • It's been a busy week!
    Look in the learning pages of the website and the gallery to see what a busy week our children have had.
  • Competition Winners
    Well done to Lewis and Paige who both won prizes at the recent Y6 open evening at Driffield School.
  • They're Off! Fun Run in action.
    What a perfect afternoon for the annual fun run.
  • Macmillan Coffee Morning
    Thank you to the School Council for organising the event and to everyone who joined us for coffee and cake.
  • Y5 Studying Driffield
    We are looking at how Driffield has changed.
  • First Savers Bank
    Children who began saving at Infant School can continue saving here. New savers welcome.
  • Hockey Tournament
    Our Hockey team that beat Nafferton PS and Leconfield PS to finish second in their group, then beat Kilham B in the third/fourth play-off to finish third in the tournament.
  • Keeping Fit
    Children from DJS at our weekly Change 4 Life Club led by Miss Jackson from First Step Sports Group
  • Cross Country
    Our first Cluster sporting event of the school year saw nearly 100 children take part in our annual Cross Country event in the gorgeous surroundings of Sledmere House on a beautiful autumnal evening.
  • Book give away
    To make way for new books in our library we have asked children if they want to take home some of our older books.
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