Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

Driffield Junior School News

The latest news stories from Driffield Junior School.


News Stories

  • Y6 - My Money
    Year 6 have had an awesome start to their MY MONEY topic. Barclays Bank came to see us on Monday to do some workshops to help us in preparing for our big Fairtrade project over the next 2 weeks. We’re very excited!!
  • We now have 10 fluffy chicks !!
    Lots of scientific observations taking place by Y5 children.
  • Our chicks are hatching
    Year 5 children have watched chicks emerging from the eggs today.
  • Excitement in Y5
    Look what arrived in Year 5 today to help us learn about life cycles.
  • Musical Day
    We were delighted to welcome Travelling by Tuba to school today. They performed for the whole school and then spent the afternoon working with our year 6 children.
  • Rounders Team Success
    On Wednesday night, our Y6 Rounders Team were successful, beating Hutton Cranswick PS, Kilham PS and a mixed team made up of children from North Frodingham PS, Wetwang PS and Sledmere PS, to retain the School Games Level 1 Cluster event.
  • Thank you for looking after us.
    Mrs Peacher, one of our lunchtime supervisors, has worked at Driffield Junior School for 25 years.
  • Comic Club
    Reading comics is great fun!
  • Netball match
    Our Year 5 and 6 netball team played their first matches on Thursday night against Middleton and Beswick.
  • There's lots happening!
    Y3 have been doing Smartie maths, been in an ambulance, visited a museum and made photo frames. Y4 are reading Beowulf to inspire their writing and acting skills.
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