Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

  1. News
  2. We borrowed the Moon!

We borrowed the Moon!

25 November 2024 (by Catherine Passmore (catherine.hakner))

Y5's learning has been out of this world this week! On Monday, soil and rock samples, which were brought back from the Lunar missions in the 70s, arrived in school. The children predicted what they thought the surface of the moon would look like before closely studying the samples from the Moon's surface. Despite the Moon looking white, Y5 were surprised to find that a lot of the soil is black.
As part of their work as Space Scientists, Y5 also studied a number of rock specimens, made careful observations and took measurements. Using a flow diagram and answering a series of questions they were able to identify which of the samples were actually meteorites.