Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

General Information


Pupil numbers

The number on role in Summer 2024 is 514.


Type and age range

Driffield is a Junior School catering for girls and boys aged between 7 and 11 years. 

School organisation

The school is organised into four-year groups with Year 3 and Year 4 combining to form the lower school and Year 5 and Year 6 combining to form the upper school.  There are around 120 children in each year group and they are organised into mixed ability classes with usually between twenty-five and thirty pupils in each class.  These numbers can change as children join or leave the school but we try to ensure that class sizes are kept to an acceptable level.


Pupils enjoy a variety of individual, group and whole class teaching approaches depending upon which is thought to be the most appropriate for the needs of the children and which is the best use of teacher time.  Each year group has a designated Year Leader who will be one of the class teachers in that year group and that teacher will manage all activities in that area of the school.   In addition, there is also a programme of support for children in the school including specific support for children with special educational needs.

Office Hours

The School Office hours are from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm but it is often possible to contact someone at the school both earlier and later than these times.

Mrs Lazenby, Miss Passmore, Miss Warcup, Mrs Hart and Mrs Cawthorne work in the school office.  

These are the people who will usually answer the telephone and will be able to deal with queries from parents or members of the public, or put callers in touch with the relevant member of staff.


Local Education Area


Driffield Junior School is within the East Riding of Yorkshire Education Authority. 

The address of the Education Office is as follows:

East Riding of Yorkshire Education Office

County Hall


HU17 9BA



The school’s admission arrangements adhere to the guidance issued by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  For further information and to apply for a place. Click here to go the Council website.


Visiting Arrangements

Parents/carers may make arrangements to visit the school at any time, although it may be necessary to make an appointment to see a particular member of staff, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.  Please contact the school office.